advocacy & action in victoria beach
Join us in Victoria Beach on Wednesday, July 31, and learn how you can participate in evidence-based advocacy for Lake Winnipeg!
Presented by the VB and District Walk for Water Committee, this event will feature a presentation by LWF Executive Director Alexis Kanu followed by a Q&A.
Learn more about the challenges facing Lake Winnipeg, current LWF campaigns to protect and restore the health of our shared waters through targeted phosphorus reduction – and how you can get involved in solutions. Plus, make sure to stop by the outreach table to pick up information you can use to speak up for the lake, and one of our popular “lake love” lawn signs!
When: Wednesday, July 31; doors open 6:30 p.m., event starts 7 p.m.
Where: East Beaches Social Scene, 3 Ateah Rd, Victoria Beach
Open to all and free to attend (optional silver collection) with refreshments provided.
We hope to see you there!