LWF was founded by concerned citizens who believed they could change things for the better, and this belief continues to drive our efforts. Your gift supports ongoing advocacy efforts and coordinated, on-the-ground action to improve the health of our shared waters – now and for future generations.

To make a secure online donation, please fill out the required fields below. Tax receipts are automatically issued to the email address provided at the time of the donation. (If you cannot find your tax receipt in your inbox, please make sure to check your junk folder.)

All donations of $50 or more include a one-year LWF membership. Members receive LWF’s newsletter twice a year and have the right to vote at our annual general meetings.

Contribution Information

Contribution Amount
Other amount $
Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Dedicate your donation
Commemorative donations (names only) are publicly acknowledged in our Fall & Winter newsletter.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.

To issue you a tax receipt, we require your name and full mailing address.

Your Information

Donors who contribute an annual total of $200 or more are recognized by name and donation level in our Fall & Winter newsletter. Please let us know if we have your permission to publicly acknowledge you in this way.
